Walking A Rainbow

A spiritual yet hilarious experience of a father's life-changing journey with his 9 year old son!
Devoted Readers
Award-Winning Author
Thrilling Chapters

What our readers say…

Dr. Larry Culliford

Psychiatrist & Author on
Mental Happiness
Reading this book was such a delight. Making the 500 mile pilgrimage on foot was no picnic for Michael and his 9-year-old son, but it was clearly at times astonishingly uplifting.

Frequently, thought-provoking -
for example, on the significance of ‘meaningful coincidences’. It was also laugh-out-loud funny at times. Highly recommended for armchair wanderers like me.

Liz Barker

The story unfolds as Michael and Kes follow the Camino de Santiago and walk into the Rainbow. It can be read on many levels. And it is always true, authentic and unafraid to look deep.

Yet the landscape, refuges to stay overnight, many characters (some crazy), encountered on the way,
are mixed in metaphor and symbol, together with all the physical challenges and also much laughter. The story vibrantly paints many aspects of human life lived, and spiritual life blossoming.

A true delight for the reader.

Richard Tattersall

Funny, poignant and insightful, this is the tale of one man and his young son's Camino. Walk with Michael and Kes across Spain, as they make an unconventional spiritual voyage of discovery - one of them on the cusp of middle age, the other of young adulthood. Through hardship, blistered feet and the odd glass of wine, leavened by philosophical observations and ancient lore, we are introduced to a fascinating cast of characters plus the odd senorita. sent by a higher power to test the author's resistance to temptation.

Award-Winning Author

A life changing


Award-Winning Author

Michael Shearer

A philosophically inclined father & his young son embark on a traditional pilgrimage route, over 500 miles along the Camino de Santiago, for reasons that neither are very clear about. The journey is full of hilarious events & startling insights which largely work by changing the self.

One critical event which holds the whole thing together is briefly bumping into an intriguing woman who tells the father that there are five important places on the way which can only be found by feeling & intuition &
he must find them.
Developing the ability to find the places changes the mind to such an extent that both lives are changed forever! This is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

"The experience the book narrates was profound & life-changing. I left my usual life & went off to walk across Spain. The effect was as if I had walked out of my life with my 9 year old son.

So I had to catch the humour. There’s me trying to be all serious & spiritual but there’s my son constantly reducing the Old Man to helpless laughter."

Camino de Santiago Gallery

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